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How long after the procedure is finished before we can return home and what should we expect?


One of the most significant benefits of having anesthesia services in a dental or surgical office as opposed to a hospital is a faster return home following completion of the required treatment. Our anesthesia plan routinely includes short-acting anesthetic medications that help speed the recovery process along while providing a safe and comfortable sleep during the procedure. It also includes standard monitoring equipment that is used in all hospital environments. Drs. Gluckman and Boorin continuously and vigilantly monitor their patients both during the anesthetic and the post-operative period. While your arrival to departure time is always faster than the traditional hospital setting, our patients are discharged only when it is safe to do so. All patients and their escorts are provided detailed written and verbal instructions that address what to do and how to manage the postoperative period as well as how to contact the doctor should there be a question.

It is mandatory for one adult escort to drive the patient home from the office, however for our pediatric patients, it is ideal to have a second accompanying adult for the return home, who can assist the child in the back seat of the car. A single parent will be sufficient if a taxi or ride-sharing transportation is used, with a child car seat when applicable. Upon returning home, our patients routinely require some supportive care from family or friends. Adults and older children should be assisted into the home if they are in any way dizzy or tired. Children should be carried, if possible, to a bed or sofa to rest. Avoid or be extra cautious with stairs until there is no residual fatigue. Napping upon arrival home is normal. Children who nap following an anesthetic at home or even in the car on the way home will typically be much more active and return to their daily routine quickly. Adults should refrain from driving for the remainder of the day and continue to not drive if analgesic pain medication is being used under the guidance of the dentist or surgeon.

Mild pain, tenderness or bruising at the IV site is not common. We occasionally see mild skin irritation from adhesives used during the procedure which typically will resolve without any required care shouldn’t be a cause for concern. Drs. Gluckman and Boorin routinely administer anti-nausea anesthetics and medications during the procedure, but you can further reduce the likelihood of problems by making the initial food intake be limited to water and carbohydrate containing juices and progress to light carbohydrate-based foods. You can help by limiting dairy, fatty, and high-protein foods for the first few hours following arrival home.

Postoperative discomfort or pain is always a concern of patients and parents. A sore throat is possible, as is mild-moderate amount of pain in the mouth from the dental or surgical treatment that was completed. Pain medication is routinely administered intravenously during the procedure. You should follow the instructions that were provided by both our team and the dental or surgery office.

In summary, anesthesia services in a dental or surgical office are extremely safe and convenient to families with active daily schedules. You can always reach our office or Drs. Boorin or Gluckman with questions. Following our preoperative and postoperative guidelines will aid in completing the recovery process as smoothly as is possible.


© 2021 by Anesthesia for Dental Health.

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